Do you require medicines in a blister pack tray?
With the help of the latest state-of-the art technology, our pharmacists at Woodbourne Pharmacy can provide you with your medicines in a medication tray that is tailored to your specific and personal requirements.
Woodbourne Pharmacy is leading the way, with our Omnicell VBM 200f robot from the USA being the first on the island of Ireland. With barcode and RFID checks at each stage of preparation, including photographic validation of each medicine in each pod, you can be assured of the highest levels of accuracy in the preparation of your medication tray.
The added efficiencies brought by our investment in robotics means that we have the capacity to fulfil the needs of many more patients safely and with the confidence that we are helping improve the health, well-being, and independent living of our customers.
If you are interested in our state-of-the-art monitored dosage medicine systems, please call 028 90 612 898 to arrange a discussion with one of our pharmacists.
For more information regarding our blister pack machine, see the button below ‘Blister Pack Information Leaflet’.